Zimbabwe’s natural ecosystems are a hugely valuable natural resource. The country is blessed with large intact woodlands, savannahs and wetlands that provide essential services to our people such as clean air and water, pollination and healthy soils. These ecosystems are a vital buffer that protects us from the worst effects of climate change.

However, the destruction of these intact systems has accelerated in recent years as Zimbabweans across the country exploit the natural resources on their doorstep in seach of a better life – this is rapidly reducing the country’s resilience to changes in weather patterns. As a semi arid country, largely reliant on rainfed agriculture, this should be causing alarm in every level of society.

The Voluntary Carbon Markets are one possible solution to this homegrown problem – a well-regulated, transparent and equitable legal framework has the potential to drive huge investment in delivering climate mitigation solutions.

The Zimbabwe Carbon Association represents organizations active in developing the voluntary carbon market in Zimbabwe.
Our organization is committed to working with the government to develop enabling legislation that will drive investment in climate mitigation activities in Zimbabwe.

We represent 12 project developers working in 5 emission reduction sectors, with over 100m of investment planned.

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The Zimbabwean Carbon Association is a recently inaugurated non-profit organization committed to preserving Zimbabwe's natural ecosystems and driving investment in climate mitigation activities. It represents many of the major investments in carbon project development in the country. The Association aims to bring transparency and accountability to carbon trading in Zimbabwe and position the country as a credible and attractive destination for green financing.

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The Association works towards establishing a well-regulated carbon market in compliance with local and international environmental laws. It engages in policy research, white papers, lobbying, advocacy, and capacity development to encourage the establishment of a sustainable carbon market. Additionally, the Association aims to attract local and international capital towards solutions for Zimbabwe's environmental degradation through the carbon market. It also represents the views of its members in non-competitive dealings with government entities and other organizations that impact their common interests.


  • Encouraging and assisting with the establishment of a well-regulated carbon market in compliance with local and international environmental laws, particularly in line with the Paris Accord.
  • Encouraging the flow of local and international capital towards solutions for Zimbabwe's environmental degradation through the carbon market.
  • Representing the views of its members in non-competitive dealings with government entities, quasi-governmental bodies, parastatal entities, and other organizations that impact their common interests.
  • Representing members in dealings with local and international organizations whose functions impact members or have a common interest with members as a whole.
  • Sharing best practices and developing a code of conduct for its members that sets the standard for carbon projects developed in Zimbabwe.
  • Undertaking any other aims and objects ancillary or incidental to the aforementioned objectives.



● Open to individuals aged 18 and above
● Open to organizations or institutions meeting the Association's objects Required information must be provided to the Executive Committee
● Subscription Fee: $300/annually  


● Applications submitted to the Executive Committee or designated membership officer
● Acceptance at the discretion of the Executive Committee Rights transfer with written approval from the Executive Committee 


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Nicholas DeSwardt 
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Chiyedza Heri 
Vice Chairperson
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James Egremont Lee 
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Jackson Mungoni 
Executive Member
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Lisa Mare 
Communications Officer 



We will reply as soon as possible


Nick de Swardt